Abidin Othman. (Programmer / System Developer and IT Consultant)
Former Head of Department of MoH Healthcare Technology Department and Former MIS Manager, Management Information System Department, JPMC. Also served as CIO (MoH) from 2014-2018. Represented Department in international meetings such as ASEAN Consultative Committee on Standard and Quality, Medical Device Product Working Group (ACCSQ-MDPWG), ASEAN Medical Device Committee (AMDC), Asian Hormonised Working Party (AHWP) and more.
Played a big role in Developing Online Systems (inhouse) in addition to administering the departments, such as Online Patient Referral System (local and overseas) Medical Equipment Master Inventory Systems, Store Inventory system, Work Order System, Store Management System, HTD Project / Tender and Quotation Monitoring System, Online Survey System, Online Voting System and many more. Led the development of MoH mobile apps, The ‘MoHcare’. Had also led online system developers in JPMC in addition to Manager role developing (inhouse) more than 25 online system such as Pharmacy Downtime System, Patient Billing Downtime System, Inventories System, e-Procurement and more.
Had been working for few years in Instrumentation and Control/ Engineering field in Oil and Gas Industry, and more than 30 years experience in Medical Technology in the government and private sector. Had also successfully attended leadership programme EDPMMO (Executive Development Programme for Middle Management Officer) and LDP (Leadership Development Programme) Brunei-Malaysia-Singapore, alongside formal education in Engineering and Management. Experienced in handling online conferencing and IT system hardware.